Dairy Conversion to Feedlot in Southern Idaho
Our AGPROfessionals team has successfully completed the permitting process to convert an existing dairy operation to a beef feedlot for our clients in Southern Idaho.
Prior to our client's purchase of the property, we conducted a feasibility study. The process included a formal evaluation of the property and available Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permits in consideration for potentially purchasing the property. Our development team reviewed available permits, identified existing entitlements, water rights, and potential impacts of proposed site amendments, assessed the historical background of several sites, reviewed potential effects on amendments of the site, and an expected timeline for permitting.
We prepared a formal report and were able to provide a thorough assessment to allow the clients to make their determination on whether to purchase the property.
In preparation for the submittal of the county land use applications, AGPROfessionals conducted an evaluation of the property's water rights and the needs for the feedlot in comparison to the previous dairy operations. Our engineering team also assessed the site's existing stormwater drainage facilities within the existing layout. For the design of the feedyard, we were able to effectively evaluate the site and complete a design that utilized as much of the existing layout and repurposed the dairy structures that were no longer needed. Finally, the development team coordinated with the required referral agencies to review the facility conversion request in preparation for submittal to the county.
Preparation of the county land use applications included a Conditional Use and Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permit application. Since the site was existing, there were several structures that did not conform to the county's current setback standards. We prepared a variance application to document the existing non-conforming setbacks as required for the CUP/CAFO and to protect our client from potential enforcement issues in the future.
Finally, our development team provided regulatory coordination with the county and representation at one Planning and Zoning Commission hearing and one Board of County Commissioners hearing. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the land use applications.