Sandy Hills Family Dairy, LLC – Project for SUP Expansion to 14,500 Head Capacity
Sandy Hills Family Dairy, LLC faced a dilemma. A residential developer had been eyeing property near the long-time dairy operation. To safeguard their dairy operations and growth plan, they would need to navigate the land use process to avoid developer encroachment.
The Morgan County dairy wanted to amend its current Special Use Permit (SUP) to expand its existing dairy to 14,500 head and expand its on-site operations. In addition, the county required a variance to Morgan County municipal zoning regulations to allow the expansion of their dairy to be constructed within the 1,320-foot setback of residences.
The dairy operation’s expansion includes plans for the construction of heifer pens, two new wastewater ponds, a manure compost area, a manure storage area, and an anaerobic digester area, along with the construction of an additional dairy parlor, free stall barns to house up to 2,000 dairy cows each, exercise lots, and wastewater ponds.
Sandy Hills Family Dairy reached out to AGPROfessionals because of the many services we offer, many of which were called into play on this project. Amending the SUP and obtaining the variance required expert study, careful preparation of documents, and authoritative testimony to government officials.
Enter AGPROfessionals
AGPROfessionals provided conceptual site layouts that included the structures that the client wanted in the expansion areas. These layouts factored in the county requirements and existing site limitations, creating an approvable site plan that met the client’s needs for future growth.
We worked with county government officials throughout the process, including staff from the Planning & Zoning Department and Public Works, to design an effective solution to the variance requests needed for the location. The first variance requested was to the residences adjacent to the facility. While these residences were owned by family members of the dairy, they were still required to be accounted for during the SUP process.
A variance was also needed for additional access points to allow alternative points of exit from the facility, particularly during silage season, that would minimize the time that farm trucks are on the county road and increase the safety of the traveling public. AGPROfessionals worked with Public Works and designed a creative solution, utilizing internal traffic circulation for silage season, that eliminated the need for costly road improvements.
AGPROfessionals provided representation at several public hearings, including the Board of Adjustments for reviewing and approving the variance requests, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners for final approval.
We are proud that our design plans met the Goedert family’s expectations.
“We have been through many a rough water in our history. AGPROfessionals has been by our side, and we can relax knowing they are part of our team going forward.”
– Marie G.
Our staff of experienced experts obtained an approved Variance to Setbacks and an approved Variance for Additional Access Points, and we created ways to address codes that have changed since the dairy was started to receive approval of the amended Special Use Permit (SUP).
This approval has vested the dairy operation for future growth and protects them from potential future developers encroaching on their operations.